CCG provides independent cost estimate review and validation for estimates prepared by your in-house staff, or by your engineering or construction contractors. Using a variety of estimating review and benchmarking techniques, we assess the state of the project deliverables used in preparing the estimate, assess the estimating techniques employed, appraise the material and labor cost data supporting the estimate, evaluate key metrics from the estimate to determine potential problem areas, provide an independent analysis of estimate risk and contingency determination, and render an appraisal of project escalation.
We act as unbiased "cold eyes" reviewers, independent of both the owner and the contractor. Our professional estimating staff has the experience of preparing and reviewing thousands of estimates worldwide, and can utilize this knowledge and experience to provide you with the confidence to go forward in your business and project funding decisions.
Most of our estimate reviews are performed at the client's various project gates (decision points to proceed to the next stage of project development, or to fully authorize the project); however many of our clients want to have us involved throughout the estimating process - from estimate kickoff through estimate completion, with evaluations performed at the completion of intermediate deliverables and in response to on-going design changes during project development. This can keep surprises to a minimum at the end of project development, and provides both a better understanding of remaining estimate uncertainty and greater confidence in the final estimate.
Large projects may often take months to complete the various stages of engineering and design by an EPC contractor, and having an owner's representative embedded with the EPC team can be an effective method of managing both project design changes, and the resulting impacts on cost and schedule. This can help to reduce overall project cost and schedule, and keep owner management appraised throughout the project life-cycle.
Review our white paper prepared for the 2000 AACE International Annual Meeting: The Estimate Review and Validation Process